The holographic design structure of the Bible
Holography is a method of obtaining three-dimensional photographic images. These images are obtained without a lens, so the method is also called lens-less photography. The records are called holograms (Greek holos, “whole”; gram, “message”). The theoretical principles of holography were developed by the British physicist Dennis Gabor in 1947. The first actual production of holograms took place in the early 1960s, when the laser became available. By the late 1980s the production of true-color holograms was possible, as well as holograms ranging from the microwave to the X-ray region of the spectrum. Ultrasonic holograms were also being made, using sound waves.
We will next look at how holograms are made. A hologram differs essentially from an ordinary photograph in that it records not only the intensity distribution of reflected light but also the phase distribution. That is, the film distinguishes between waves that reach the light-sensitive surface while they are at a maximum wave amplitude, and those that reach the surface at a minimum wave amplitude. This ability to discriminate between waves with different phases is obtained by having a so-called reference beam interfere with the reflected waves. In one method of obtaining a hologram, the object is illuminated by a beam of coherent light—a beam in which all the waves are traveling in phase with one another. Such a beam is produced by a laser. Inspection of the resulting hologram will reveal only an intricate pattern of dark and light structures that bear no apparent relationship to the original object. When the hologram is viewed in coherent light, however, the recorded object becomes visible; and when the hologram is viewed from different angles, the object is also seen from different angles. The three-dimensional effect is obtained because the hologram reconstructs in space the wave fronts that originally were produced by the object.
Nest we will look at one application for holograms. One important application is the storage of digital data, which can be recorded as bright and dark spots in holographic images. A hologram can contain a large number of “pages” that are recorded at different angles relative to the plate, thus allowing the storage of a very large amount of data on one hologram. By illuminating the hologram with a laser beam at different angles, the pages can be read one by one. Thus a whole book or a whole library of books can be stored on one hologram.
Chuck Missler gives a good summary definition of a hologram in his Mar 1999 Personal Update. A hologram is a form of lens-less photography in which a laser simultaneously illuminates an object and a piece of film. The film records the interference between the light waves hitting it directly and the light waves reflected from the object. It is, in effect, a frequency record rather than a spatial image. A three dimensional spatial image is seen when the photograph is illuminated in the original light in which it was made.
Now we will look at some of the characteristics of a hologram. It was a study of the characteristics of a hologram that originally lead me to the conclusion that the Bible was a literary hologram. This was something that I did in the mid 1990’s. Some time later I discovered that Chuck Missler had come to the same conclusion. Let’s list some of the characteristics of a hologram. We’ll note that the Bible contains all of these same characteristics.
The holographic design structure of the Bible
The comparison chart that we just finished looking at represents the primary reasons that I have come to the conclusion that the Bible is a literary hologram. Let me continue by showing some of the other reasons why I feel this way.
When a person looks at the Bible he sees one of the following images of God:
No image of God at all. He may be looking at the Bible either in darkness or through the biased eyes of the natural world.
A 2-D image of God. It’s just a slightly fuzzy picture that doesn’t mean much. The person seeing this image may or may not be Christian. All Christians aren’t born again. Of those who are, many are still very immature in their faith and don’t yet know how to shine the light of the Holy Spirit on their interpretation of the Bible.
A 3-D image of God. In this image God becomes very real, in fact so real that he was once a man. This image projects Jesus as one of the three persons comprising God.
A holographic image of God. In this image of God, all of a sudden all sorts of hidden insights are revealed. In fact, the more you study the image from different angles and perspectives the more you see.
What is the holographic image that the Bible reflects throughout it’s pages, from cover to cover?
It’s simply this: An image of God who comes to the earth as a man to redeem man’s sin by sacrificing himself on a cross, who dies and arises from the dead after three days, who then appears to over 500 of his followers, who then ascends to heaven where he now resides with the Father and Holy Spirit, who will return to earth again to harvest his people, and who will later pronounce judgment on the world and those who have rejected him. This is basically the gospel preached by Paul and the other apostles.
Where in the Bible is this holographic image presented? Everywhere, on every page, including the Old Testament. The Old Testament is simply full of the gospel of Jesus, as we have studied several times in the last 18 months. Let’s review some of the ways that the image is in the Old Testament.
It’s hidden in all kinds of stories that are models or types of future events that are part of the gospel. Some of these may be fulfilled one or more times.
A few of these include the sacrifice of Isaac as a model of Jesus’ sacrifice, Boaz as kinsman redeemer, the sign of Jonah, Adam as a model of Jesus, and many others.
It’s hidden in various kinds of numerical models.
It’s presented in plain prophetic text throughout the Old Testament.
It’s presented as plays and songs in the Psalms.
It’s presented in faith lessons as a precursor of the gospel.
It’s presented in the rituals and laws given to the Jewish people.
A person’s interpretation of these events or prophecies depends on the angle from which he is viewing the holographic image. Nobody has complete understanding or full appreciation of the entire holographic image that is presented in the Bible. The image is so miraculous that it is almost beyond comprehension.
God made each of us to be unique and we each have our own ways of looking at things. The fact that when I look at the Bible and see a literary hologram makes me a little different, not better just different. I hope that pointing out some of the things that I see in my Bible study will make your own study more interesting and fulfilling. I don’t want to be dogmatic and I encourage each of you to do your own study and reach your own conclusions. I do feel very strongly about some things, especially the essentials of our faith. Things such as the design of the Bible don’t fall into the category of essentials. However, they do help to uphold our faith when we can see the supernatural design of our Bible. My goal is to make your faith stronger and your belief stronger. The fact that God made us all different from one another and made us to see things differently is a major reason for Christians to try to focus and agree on the “essential truths,” or agree to “keep the main thing the main thing!”
[ii] Holography, Microsoft Encarta 96 encyclopedia
[iii] Personal Update, Koinonia House, Mar 1999
This section contains the following discussions concerning the supernatural origin and design of the Christian Bible:
- How God spoke to the Old Testament prophets & how he wrote the Bible
- Biblical canon; how we got the Bible
- The holographic design structure of the Bible