The Great 2041 Prophetic Convergence


One of the major purposes for this site was to show that there are numerous obvious prophetic fulfillments of Bible Prophecy that clearly prove the truth of the Christian Bible.   We used the knowledge that we gained in our mathematics and physics degree studies and the skills that we gained as a systems analyst and scientist while working on missile system programs in researching and writing the studies presented on this site.  In 2013 we discovered the first of many equally spaced sequential year date patterns that are hidden in the Bible.  Before presenting these patterns and others like them we need to first present some basic background material on what God has to say about his use of these types of patterns.

 The Bible says that God gave mankind a fairly basic set of rules and guidelines to live by and a pass/fail criteria for determining whether or not they would qualify for rewards or punishments.  He also said that he would continuously test them and at the end of every 50 years he would judge how well they had done.  The end result would be either reward or punishment .  He told them the specific details of what the rewards and punishments would be in Lev 25-26.  In practice we see that he would often put off the punishments for his nations for hundreds of years.  We can also analyze this and discover that he was using a complex set of evenly spaced event patterns to accomplish his purposes.  He told them and therefore us very clearly what some of these patterns would be and left it up to us to discover the others based upon what we have observed that has taken place in world history, particularly for God’s people.  We have done just that and have recorded it in what we have called the three 2041 series of books.  The reader can go to pages 124-137 in the excerpts from “God is Cooking Up Something”  by  hitting the appropriate ICON below to find a more complete summary and group of charts that lay out God’s stated ground rules and how he is managing and enforcing them.  God apparently began this process at the fall of man since we can observe the event patterns at that time in world history.

 Discovering these patterns required us to first use the genealogies and time gaps given in the Bible between events to produce a table of event dates.  Incredibly these genealogies and time gaps between events were presented so completely in the Bible that we could go all the way from the first century AD back to the fall of man.  

We soon found that these time gaps between events fit into a large series of equally spaced event date patterns.  We eventually found that there were event patterns with spacings of 30, 40, 50, 60, 66.666, 70, 80, 90, 200, 360, etc. years.  We also found that the topics presented in every one of the patterns fit the exact meaning of the time spacing used in the Bible.  For example key events in time gap patterns of 40 or 400 years always fell on dates that were associated with exiles for God’s people.  All of the exiles presented in the Bible lasted for multiples of either 40 or 400 years in duration.  The trick that we had to learn before doing all of this study was that God always presented the material in the Bible in 360 day years so we had to convert all of the Biblical data into 365.24 day years.

All of this research eventually resulted in three books which are called “The 2041 Series of Books.”   These books turned out to be very prophetic in nature and prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that many of the key events in world history were pre-planned, even before the creation of the world.  We are currently pursuing publication of these 3 books but we have prepared a fourth book which is composed of excerpts from the 3 books.  We are including that book on this site to whet the appetite of the reader.  To demonstrate the incredible nature of the patterns and to further whet the reader’s appetite a group of these patterns is being presented below.  These patterns also demonstrate one of the key findings of the research presented in the books; namely that an incredible number of the patterns are converging in the current generation.  The books show that the 70th 50 year Jubilee period spans the years 2002-2051.  Most of the patterns shown below fall into this time period.

Before presenting the incredible patterns it will be necessary to present the meaning of the time gaps that will be used in the patterns:

     30 the Jerusalem Temple, a new leader coming to power

     40 going into or coming out of an exile in a wilderness experience

     50 a Jubilee judgment period; may result in either reward or punishment

     60 the number of man, his inherent characteristics, sin

     66.666   tribulation for man, the number of the antichrist

     70 perfection, completeness, a period of testing 

     80 a new beginning

     90 a full season

     200 a time of convergence or coming together  

     7x360=2520 God years     God’s perfect and complete punishment period for sin

Before presenting the event patterns we would like to present some of the key characteristics of the patterns:

  1. The time gaps in the patterns reflect the way that God used the numbers in the Bible.
  2. The key events that are hit in each pattern reflect the topical theme of the specific time gaps used in each case.
  3. The patterns apply to the Jewish nation and people specifically but in some cases could also apply to Christian nations and peoples after the death of Jesus since they were grafted into God’s key promises to Israel at that time.
  4. With one exception, the 28 patterns shown below are all converging in the period from 1844 to 2051 AD, especially in the 70th Jubilee period which spans the period from 2002 to 2051 AD.  We should note that in all of the patterns shown below we will state the total years in each pattern in terms of a 365 day year calendar.  Thus if we have a pattern of 50x50=2500 God years we will show the pattern as 50x50=2464 years.  That will avoid confusion and allow the reader to quickly check the mathematics.
  5. The set of patterns presented below do represent a special case.  In each case we are concerned with the message that God might be sending for the event that ends the pattern.  In these events we would expect very intensified results since the patterns are all multiples of God’s basic pattern identifiers and they all last for extremely long periods of time and the ending event hosts a convergence of multiple patterns.  In this case we are not dwelling on all of the many other events that may be a part of the pattern, but only on what we might expect at the concluding date of the pattern.
  6. The pattern events may be a singular event or may be of specified or unspecified duration; the event may signify the start, end or change in intensity of the pattern theme.

We will next present the patterns along with their general and specific themes.  After completing the pattern presentation we will speculate a bit on what the patterns might be telling us about our future.



  1. Pattern of tribulation of tribulations; 66.666x65.71=4380.666 years
    1. 2433.3 BC  Pattern start event: the end of the great flood  
    2. 1948.3 AD Pattern end event: month/year when Israel became nation again
      1. Both events represent a new start for God’s people shortly after  a period of very severe tribulation- the flood and Holocaust
  2. Pattern of new leader, the Temple & tribulation; 30x66.666=1971 years
    1. 70.3 AD Pattern start event: Roman leader, army destroys the Temple and Jerusalem
    2. 2041.5 AD Pattern end event: year that hosts convergence of all convergences
      1. Both event dates would involve a key leader, the Temple, great destruction and severe tribulation for God’s people
  3. Pattern of an exile of tribulations; 40x66.666=2628 years
    1. 587.9 BC Pattern start event: Babylonian siege of Jerusalem
    2. 2041 AD Pattern end event: year that hosts convergence of all convergences
      1. Judah was sentenced to a lifestyle characterized by tribulation in 587 BC.  This would last a full exile period of tribulations or 40x66.666 years and end at the convergence of all convergences in 2041 AD.
  4. Pattern of tribulation due to sinful behavior; 60x66.666=3942 years
    1. 1902 BC Pattern start event: Birth of Joseph, trigger point for Birth of Israel
    2. 2041 AD Pattern end event: year that hosts convergence of all convergences
      1. Both events involve tribulation due to man’s sin and are trigger points leading to Israel being able to eventually enter its Promised Land
  5. Pattern of full season of tribulations; 90x66.666=5914 years
    1. 3873.4 BC Pattern start event: end 7th 1000 year day of creation
    2. 2041 AD Pattern end event: year of convergence of all convergences
      1. The whole 6000 year period from the end of the 7th day of creation until 2041 can be characterized by tribulation due to man’s sinful behavior; will this change due the events coming in 2041 AD?
  6. Angel of Death pattern of death & tribulation; 13x66.666=854 years
    1. 1442 BC/587 BC: Original Angel of death pattern started with birth of Israel at Exodus Passover event in 1442 BC, then hits the death of Judah in 587 BC
    2. 1975 AD: Pattern end date at the time of the great immigration of Jews back to their original homeland after it had become a thriving nation again
      1. This is a pattern of death and return from death at the end of a string of time periods lasting 13 periods of 66.666 years.
  7. Angel of Death pattern of death & tribulation; 13x66.666=854 years
    1. 719.3 BC/135 AD: This Angel of Death pattern starts at the death of Israel  in 719 BC then hits the death of Judea  in 135 AD
    2. 1844 AD is the pattern end date with the Ottoman Edict of Toleration which paved the way for the eventual return of the Jews to their original homeland
      1. This Angel of Death pattern starts at the death of Israel, then hits the date of the final death of Judea and finally to their return to life with the event that led to the return of the scattered Jewish people back to their original homeland
  8. Pattern of the judgment of all Jubilee judgments; 50x50=2464 years
    1. 2434.3 BC Pattern start event: The great flood 
    2. 30.8 AD Pattern end event: Jubilee in 3rd year of Jesus’ ministry
      1. The end of a pattern of 50 periods of 50 year judgments ended in Jesus’ ministry.  This represents the end of Old Testament judgment standards and the beginning of new standards based upon Jesus’ Gospel.
  9. Pattern of Jubilee of Exiles; 50x40=1971 years
    1. 30.8 AD Pattern start event:  The 30th Jubilee in the 3rd year of Jesus’ ministry
    2. 2002.1 AD Pattern end event: end of God’s exile of Israel in 70th Jubilee
      1. Paul said the Jews were blinded, in part, due to their rejection of Jesus.  Jesus declared this exile judgment in Matt 23.  It appears to be a judgment of exiles lasting 50 periods of 40 years that may end during the 70th Jubilee period which starts in 2002 AD.  The 1st 40 year exile in this pattern occurred in 70 AD with the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple.
  10. Pattern of a full season of judgment; 90x50=4435 years
    1. 2433.4 BC Pattern start event: End of the great flood
    2. 2002 AD Pattern end event: start of the 70th Jubilee judgment period
      1. This complete season of judgments may be the period between the two greatest periods of tribulation judgments in the history of the world, Matt 24, ending in the 70th Jubilee period, 2002 to 2051 AD.  
  11. Pattern of a Jubilee judgment of judgments; 50x50=2464years
    1. 463 BC Pattern start event: New Persian king was kind to God’s people 
    2. 2002 AD Pattern end event: start of 70th Jubilee judgment period
      1. God’s Jubilee judgments involve either reward or punishment.  The 70th may be especially important.  The one in 463 BC involved a new Persian king who made very favorable judgments for the Jewish people involving their self rule, their renewed Temple use and their rebuilding of Jerusalem.  Will similarly themed events take place in this Jubilee period?
  12. Pattern of a judgment of judgments; 50x50=2464 years
    1. 443 BC Pattern start date: Rebuilt temple in use & city walls rebuilt-3rd exile associated with God’s punishment of Judah for a long period of idol worship
    2. 2021 AD Pattern end event: This year hosts a convergence of patterns that involve the end of a long period of exile, the Temple and new leaders
      1. Will events take place in this year with themes that are similar to those of 443 BC?  Could this year host new leaders, possible new plans for a rebuilt Temple, etc?
  13. Pattern of a judgment of judgments; 50x50=2464 years
    1. 423 BC Pattern start event: nominal end of the Old Testament
    2. 2041 AD Pattern end event: year that hosts convergence of all convergences
      1. Since both events are likely to have very similar themes and 423 was a transitional event from the Old to Mid-Testament periods that may mean that 2041 may host another transitional event. One that fits the themes of the convergence of all convergences of this event.
  14. Pattern of completion of Babylonian Jewish exiles; 7x360=2484 years
    1. 443.3 BC Pattern start event: Start of 3rd Babylonian punishment period
    2. 2041 AD Pattern end event: end of God’s exile from Judah
      1. Since 443 BC hosted the initial use of the rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem will 2041 host a similar event with the initial use of another rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem?  Is this fulfillment of Rev 11:1-2?
  15. Pattern of the perfect number of exiles; 70x40 or 7x400=2760 years
    1. 719 BC Pattern start event: Year of Assyrian destruction of Israel
    2. 2041 AD Pattern end event: End of God’s exile from Israel
      1. This pattern is a fulfillment of Lev 26 and Ezek 4-5 where God said that if he had to punish Israel repeatedly that he would multiply subsequent periods of punishment by 7.  God’s first exile of the Jews lasted 400 years and ended at the Exodus event.  This was the 2nd long punishment period and would last 7x400 years ending in 2041 AD.  The 1st event ended in great destruction for Israel.  Will the final event have the same theme?  Will this pattern have the perfect ending for Israel?
  16. Pattern of a full season of God’s forgiveness; 9x490=4347 years
          a. 2296 BC Pattern start event: Tower of Babel punishment
          b. 2051.4 AD Pattern end event: end of 70th Jubilee period

      1. This pattern started with the 1st recorded sin that God would have to forgive after the great flood and will end after a full season of forgiveness for sins by God.  That would be a period of 90x490 years.  This event takes place on the celebration of the 70th or perfect Jubilee day.   Will Jesus himself be on earth physically to administer that forgiveness???
  17. Pattern of the perfect number of Jubilee judgments; 70x50=3450 years
    1. 1399.4 BC Pattern start event: Israel’s 1st Jubilee celebration in Promised Land
    2. 2051.4 AD Pattern end event: antichrist, new Temple on line??
      1. This is a pattern of the perfect and complete number of Jubilee judgments for God’s people.  It began with a celebration of the 1st Jewish harvest in the Promised Land.  Will it end with another celebration of a Jewish harvest in the Promised Land?  Will this celebration include Jesus himself being with his people in the largely expanded and long ago promised millennial Promised Land?
  18. Super pattern of major new leaders and the Temple; 30x30x5=4435 years
    1. 2434.3 BC Pattern start event: The year of the great flood 
    2. 2002.1AD Pattern end event: Beginning of the 70th Jubilee period
      1. Since this is a pattern of a multiple 30 by itself will it host a pattern of extremely heightened use of the Temple new leaders and also a judgment since the pattern is multiplied by 5?  We have already established that the 70th Jubilee period running from 2002 to 2051 hosts a great convergence of patterns involving extremely heightened levels of exile, tribulation, judgment, testing, etc. what might be in store for Israel  and the world with all of this also including new leaders and the Temple in Jerusalem???
  19. Pattern of new enemy leader who controls Israel; 30x40=1183 years
    1. 1507/325 BC Pattern start event: New leaders in Egypt-Greece 
    2. 2041 AD Pattern end event: Antichrist controls Israel??
      1. Both of the originating patterns involved new leaders for countries that controlled the Jewish people and whose policies later resulted in exile and the Temple, might that imply that 2041 will also host a new leader, exile and the Temple???
  20. Pattern of new leader and judgment; 30x50=1478 years
    1. 916 BC Pattern start event: Death of Rehoboam, new king of Israel
    2. 2041 AD Pattern end event: year that hosts convergence of all convergences
      1. This is a pattern of judgment, new leaders and the Temple.  Since it started with a new leader after the death of Rehoboam, the first idol worshipping king of Israel and therefore God’s judgment, will it end with another new leader, death and judgment??
  21. Pattern of new beginnings, the Temple and new leaders; 30x80=2366 years
    1. 325 BC Pattern start event: Year Greeks conquered Judah
    2. 2041 AD Pattern end event: year that hosts convergence of all convergences
      1. This was the year that Alexander the Great and the Greeks conquered Judah and was thus another new beginning for them.  Will this pattern end with another new leader and new beginning for Israel?  Will the Temple in Jerusalem also be involved?
  22. Pattern of the Temple, new leaders and sin; 30x60=1774 years
    1. 1507 BC Pattern start event: New Pharaoh in Egypt 
    2. 2041 AD Pattern end event:  year that hosts convergence of all convergences   
      1. This is a pattern of new leaders, Temple events, and judgments for great sin.  Over and over the patterns are pointing to 2041 hosting a horrific new leader, a rebuilt Temple and worldly sinful events.  The new insight that this patterns provides us with is the fact that the new leader may be a man of great sin.
  23. Pattern of great exile for sin; 40x60=2366 years
    1. 325 BC Pattern start event: New nation, leader takes control of Judah 
    2. 2041 AD Pattern end event: year that hosts convergence of all convergences
      1. This pattern again starts with Alexander the Great and the Greeks conquering the Jewish nation and may end with an event involving exile, a new leader and a new Temple in Jerusalem.  Many of the patterns involving 2041 seem to be a good fit for the prophecy in Dan 9:24-27 and Matt 24:15-22.  Will that again apply to this pattern??
  24.  Pattern of exceedingly great sin; 60x60=3548 years
    1. 1507 BC Pattern start event: Sinful new Pharaoh in Egypt
    2. 2041 AD Pattern end event: year that hosts convergence of all convergences
      1. This pattern starts with a new leader of the Jewish people in Egypt, an ungodly idol worshipping country and may end with the Jews back in their original homeland and facing an event of satanically sinful and evil proportions.  Might this be the sin of all sins?
  25.  Pattern of a season of exile; 90x40=3548 years
    1. 1507 BC Pattern start event: Evil new Pharaoh in Egypt 
    2. 2041 AD Pattern end event: year that hosts convergence of all convergences
      1. This pattern represents the fact that throughout their whole existence the Jewish people were nearly always facing God induced exile because of their sinful behavior principally involving idol worship over their first 1000 years and later rejecting Jesus as their God.  Jesus forecast this great exile on Israel and the Pharisees and told them when it would end in Matt 23:29-39.
  26.  Pattern of a judgment for sinful behavior; 50x60=2957 years
    1. 916 BC Pattern start event: Death of Rehoboam, 1st idol worshipping king of Israel
    2. 2041 AD Pattern end event: year that hosts convergence of all convergences
      1. This pattern represents the fact that starting with the death of the first idol worshipping king and then continuing throughout their existence, the Jewish people were nearly always under God’s judgment for sinful behavior.  The Jews have always recognized YHWH as their God but unfortunately have often also recognized foreign gods or idols as God.  God considered this an abomination to him.  The Christian Bible also includes not recognizing Jesus as God to also be in this same category.  Will this all end in 2041??
  27.  Pattern of judgment of new beginnings; 50x80=3942.6 years
    1. 1902 BC Pattern start event: Year of birth of Joseph 
    2. 2041 AD Pattern end event: year that hosts convergence of all convergences
      1. This pattern of judgments and new beginnings starts with the birth of Joseph, the pivotal event leading to a new beginning for God’s people with the birth of Israel.  Will this pattern end in 2041 AD with another serious judgment along with a new beginning for Israel??
  28.  Super pattern of new beginnings; 75x80=5914 years
    1. 3873.37 BC Pattern start event: Beginning of the 6000 years of man 
    2. 2041 AD Pattern end event: year that hosts convergence of all convergences
      1. This pattern represents the beginning and ending of the 6000 years of man since the end of the 7th day of creation.  As we have seen the fact that this same 6000 year period also hosts the convergence of 30, 40, 50, 60, 66.666, 80, 90 and 200 years may mean that the year 2041 will be marked as a super convergence of events involving the Temple in Jerusalem, an evil new leader, a time of exile, a time of judgment, a time of great sin, a time of new beginnings, a time of great tribulation along with several other very ominous patterns may mean that this year will represent the time of the greatest catastrophic event in world history, Matt 24.  The fact that 2041 AD is also in a sequential year pattern of 75x80=6000 God years means that it will be marked by a significant new beginning of some sort.  Might this usher in the greatest time in world history, the period that is described in Rev 20-22??


Quick analysis of the patterns that we have just presented:

  1. In all of the patterns presented above God was using his primary family of time gaps between key events for his people.  These time gaps and their meanings were all presented before in the introduction.
  2. These patterns were especially significant because they all consist of event spacing gaps of two of God’s primary family of event gaps.  That means that all events would have at least two themes associated with them that would be focused on each date.  Thus a pattern of 40x50 year spacing would be associated with both judgment and exile for both the beginning and ending events.  
  3. We had 28 patterns in this exercise.  After analyzing the results we found that the end dates for all 28 took place in the period from 1844 to 2051 AD, that 24 took place in the 70th Jubilee period from 2001 to 2051 AD and that a full 17 took place in a single year, 2041 AD.  That means that patterns associated with all of God’s primary pattern themes will be converging in 2041.  That means that 2041 may host events associated with a key new leader for Israel, the Temple in Jerusalem, exile, judgment, great sin, tribulation, testing, new beginnings and the end of a major season of some sort.  
  4. A very similar set of convergences took place in 70 AD when the Romans destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple leading to the complete fall of Judea as a nation.  That could lead to the conclusion that similarly themed events might take place in the 70th Jubilee period.
  5. The thing that separates the events that took place in 70 AD from those taking place in 2041 is that we found over 50 other very significant patterns that were converging in 2041.  That makes this the convergence of all convergences and adds significantly to our data base concerning what might be in store for the world in 2041.
  6. The total set of convergences that are taking place in 2041 certainly can be shown to match the end time scenario painted in the Christian Bible. We have done just that in our 2041 series of three books.  However, we have also found that since a somewhat similar set of patterns takes place every 2000 years we must be very careful not to jump to possible false conclusions about the timing of the end time scenario.

For those who might be interested in examining this subject further we have included a book below that contains a set of excerpts from the three 2041 series of books.  It contains many of the other patterns that are converging in 2041 as well as a bonus; an extensive and very important set of patterns that are converging in 2051.  Happy reading and speculating!







As author of the above 3 book series we believe that the patterns presented in them proves conclusively that the God of the Christian Bible is the Creator God, that Jesus is exactly who he claims to be and that the Bible is the true word of God.    Just what is it about the patterns that we presented above and the over 100 other equally spaced event patterns presented in the three books that would lead us to that startling conclusion?    In a nutshell, it is just this: These patterns prove that the key events associated with first of all God’s people in general and then the Jewish people after the birth of Abraham in 2148 BC had to be precisely pre-planned before the end of the 7th day of creation in 3873 BC.    That statement certainly sounds preposterous!!  How can that possibly be the case?  What characteristics of the patterns could lead us to this conclusion?  We will cite a few of those characteristics:

  1. Event gaps had consistent thematic characteristics as follows:
    1. Those involving new leaders and God’s Temple in Jerusalem occurred in event gaps that were multiples of 30 or 300 years.
    2. Those involving exiles had gaps of multiples of 40 or 400 years.
    3. Those involving judgments had gaps of multiples of 50 or 500 years.
    4. Those involving sinful behavior had gaps of multiples of 60 or 600 years.
    5. Those involving tribulation had gaps of multiples of 66.666 or 666.66 years.
    6. Those involving testing, perfection or completion had gaps of multiples of 70 or 700 years.
    7. Those involving new beginnings had gaps of multiples of 80 or 800 years.
    8. Those involving a full season had gaps of multiples of 90 or 900 years.
    9. Those involving conjunctions of multiple patterns had gaps of multiples of 200 or 2000 years.
  2. All of these patterns seemed to match the precise way in which God used these numbers over and over in the Bible.
  3. God coded these patterns by using them in a 360 day per year calendar rather than a 365 day per year calendar to keep humans from easily recognizing them.  
  4. Most of the patterns had a significant number of unique events within the pattern.  We will cite one quick example as evidence of this.  The pattern that we will use is the 400 year super exile pattern.  This pattern started at the Tower of Babel event in 2296 BC and will conclude in 2041 AD.  This pattern spans 11 periods of 400/394.26 years.  A full 9 of the 11 394 calendar year events either starts, ends or regulates the intensity of a major significant period of exile for God’s people.  
  5. The dates used in the patterns were all taken from the Biblical accounts and all align with well accepted secular dating back to the year 931 BC.  Before that date they are strictly from the Biblical account.  The Bible contains an unbroken chain of either time gaps between events or genealogical data that leads all the way back to the fall of man.    Again, it is always presented in terms of a 360 day per year calendar and must therefore be converted to calendar years.
  6. The fact that the patterns all continued after the completion of the Biblical account about 1900 years ago proves that the patterns could not have been manipulated by Biblical writers.
  7. Again, in every case the well over 100 patterns always start in ancient events whose principal theme matches the pattern theme.  Many of the patterns contain 20 or more events having the same themes and with the pattern end date also having the same theme.  
  8. Both statistics and good common sense tell us that having all of this happen by mere chance is totally impossible.  The only possible way for this to have been happening and then have it continue to happen is if the events were pre-planned before the world began and if they are still being manipulated by some grand super being outside of our physical existence.  
  9. The God of the Christian Bible prophesied thousands of years ago that these very patterns would take place and in some cases even when they would take place.  These prophecies are presented in pages 124 to 137 in the excerpts from the book titled “God is Cooking Up Something” which is shown above.  The fact that all of this has occurred and that the event dates were taken from the Christian Bible proves that the God of the Christian Bible is the Creator God, the Sustainer God and the author of past, present and future events.    The details of all of these patterns are presented in the 2041 series of books, currently in the publication process.