Quick Summaries of the Bible

We have written two quick summaries of the Bible. They present God’s basic message to mankind without going into all of the details concerning how he delivered the message. They also represent my interpretation of God’s plan for mankind. I personally believe that the principal reason for God creating the universe was to provide a companion, or bride so to speak, for his son Jesus, as a gift. Everything that has happened since creation and everything that is happening today all have their roots in the selection algorithm that God devised to choose who would and who would not be a part of the ultimate bride.

These short summaries highlight God’s plan, including the part that has already been completed as presented in the Bible, as well as the parts that are yet to take place as given to us in Bible prophecy. These summaries are given from a very high level perspective and might present a view that has not occurred to you before unless you have spent hundreds to thousands of hours reading the Bible and then tried to look at the big picture that is presented. The first of these summaries can be read and digested in as little as five to ten minutes. It is the plan without details or scriptures provided. The second summary can be read in about 30 minutes. The scriptures that confirm what is presented are given. Reading and digesting these scriptures and processing what is presented could take several hours.