About The Author

About the Author

The author of this site, Philip Herron, has his college degree in math and physics. He spent his entire 38 year career in the defense industry working on missile systems designed to protect our nations’ high-value assets. In support of these programs, he worked variously as a systems analyst, systems engineer, manager and senior scientist. In 1989 the author made a commitment to God that throughout the remainder of his life he would make every attempt to do whatever God wanted him to do. Shortly after that God began to give the author a very serious passion for studying, teaching and writing commentaries on Biblical topics.

Although the author had spent his entire life in Christian churches, including being a deacon, elder, men’s group director, singer and had been a regular participant in Bible study classes he still did not feel qualified to be a serious teacher himself. His new passion led the author to spend about 20 hours each week for the next 30 years in this endeavor.

The author spent the first 5 years in a self-education process by creating a large library of books written by some of the most noted authors in each of the Protestant denominations as well as the best Christian apologists. This included texts from a couple of the best seminaries. He did this to help himself avoid denominational bias. He collected and read hundreds of Bible topic commentaries and books in his self-education process.

Over the next 25 years the author began using the systems analysis techniques that he had learned in college and in the defense industry to study and analyze the Christian Bible. His goal was to find answers to the difficult questions that often puzzled humans as they lived their lives. He was also trying to use his scientific knowledge and study techniques to find proofs that the Bible was literally true and that Jesus was who he claimed to be. He ended up writing 18 books in the process and most are included on this site either in part or in whole. Over this whole time period the author was teaching two Bible classes each Sunday morning and the material in these books made up the content of what he taught to his students.

Again, the material on this site was developed from the perspective of a scientist who later became a largely self-taught theologian. Obviously the author believes he was highly successful in finding the proofs he was seeking concerning the validity of the Bible and the true nature and person of Jesus because he has named this site, Proof Thru Prophecy. He hopes that the readers can find answers to some of their questions on this site.