Poems to Help Teens Understand Life & Make Good Choices​

All You Have to Do

Want to have great fun at a party?
Want to laugh and have a really good time?
Want to be accepted and not be a fink?

All you have to do is drink!
Or so you were led to think!

Want to make yourself uninhibited?
Want to act like a sub-human and a fool?
Want to get sick and throw up on the floor?

All you have to do is drink a little more!
Hey! All of a sudden you’re becoming a bore!

Want to cripple or kill someone you love?
Want to disfigure and make yourself ugly?
Want to have bad memories the rest of your life?

All you have to do is drink and drive!
You’ll be really lucky if you stay alive!

Isn’t it better to think before you drink?
Or let another drive to make sure you arrive?
Drinking; aren’t you really better off not to start?

All you have to do is think clearly, and just be smart!

Phil Herron ~1984